Is It Worth Buying Gold ETFs in Singapore?

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By Jolene Lau

Are you considering investing in gold ETFs in Singapore? With the current economic climate, many investors are turning to gold as a safe haven asset. Gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are one way to invest in gold without physically owning the metal. But is it worth buying gold ETFs in Singapore?

A stack of gold bars and a computer screen displaying stock market data in a modern office setting

Gold ETFs are investment funds that track the price of gold and are traded on stock exchanges like shares. They offer investors the opportunity to invest in gold without the hassle of storing physical gold. In Singapore, the most popular gold ETF is the SPDR Gold Shares, which is pegged to the price of gold bullion and can be traded in both SGD and USD. But is it a good investment for you?

Investing in gold ETFs can be a good way to diversify your investment portfolio and hedge against inflation. However, like any investment, it comes with risks and it is important to do your research before investing. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of investing in gold ETFs in Singapore to help you make an informed decision.

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Considering gold for your portfolio? Wondering if Singapore’s Gold ETFs are a good fit? This quick guide explores the pros and cons to help you decide.


  • Diversification: Gold ETFs can help spread risk across your investments.
  • Hedge Against Inflation: Gold tends to hold its value during inflation, protecting your purchasing power.
  • Convenience & Liquidity: Buy and sell easily on the stock exchange, unlike physical gold.
  • Lower Costs: Typically cheaper than buying, storing, and insuring physical gold.


  • Market Volatility: Gold prices can fluctuate, so be prepared for ups and downs.
  • Tracking Error & Management Fees: The ETF’s performance might not perfectly match gold’s price, and there are fees.


Gold ETFs can be a good option for diversifying your portfolio and hedging against inflation in Singapore. However, research and understand the risks involved before investing.

Understanding Gold ETFs

A stack of gold bars and coins with a rising stock chart in the background, surrounded by financial documents and a computer screen displaying gold ETF prices

If you are looking for a way to invest in gold, you may have come across gold ETFs. In this section, we will explain what gold ETFs are and how they work.

What Are Gold ETFs?

Gold ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, are investment funds that track the price of gold. They are traded on stock exchanges, just like stocks. When you buy a gold ETF, you are buying a share in a fund that holds gold. The value of the ETF is based on the price of gold.

One of the benefits of gold ETFs is that they provide exposure to gold without having to own physical gold. This means you do not have to worry about storing the gold or paying for insurance to protect it. Additionally, gold ETFs offer liquidity, which means you can buy and sell them easily on the stock exchange.

Gold ETFs Vs Physical Gold

When deciding whether to invest in gold ETFs or physical gold, there are a few things to consider. One advantage of physical gold is that you own the gold outright, which means you can hold it and touch it. However, physical gold can be expensive to buy and store.

Gold ETFs, on the other hand, are more affordable and offer liquidity, which means you can easily buy and sell them. Additionally, gold ETFs are backed by physical gold, which means you still have exposure to the price of gold.

Benefits of Investing in Gold ETFs

A stack of gold bars and coins surrounded by financial charts and graphs, with a glowing upward trend line symbolizing the benefits of investing in Gold ETFs

If you’re looking to diversify your investment portfolio, investing in gold ETFs could be a great option for you. Here are some of the key benefits of investing in gold ETFs:

Portfolio Diversification

One of the main benefits of investing in gold ETFs is that it can help diversify your investment portfolio. Gold has historically been a safe haven asset, and it tends to hold its value well during times of economic uncertainty. By adding gold to your investment portfolio, you can help reduce the overall risk of your portfolio.

Convenience and Liquidity

Investing in gold ETFs is also very convenient and liquid. Unlike physical gold, which you need to store and insure, gold ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, just like stocks. This means that you can buy and sell gold ETFs just like you would any other stock, making it very easy to add gold to your investment portfolio.

Lower Costs and Fees

Another benefit of investing in gold ETFs is that they typically have lower costs and fees compared to other types of gold investments. For example, buying physical gold can be expensive, as you need to pay for storage and insurance. However, with gold ETFs, you don’t need to worry about these costs. Additionally, gold ETFs tend to have low expense ratios, which means that you’ll pay less in fees over time.

Risks and Considerations

A scale weighing the pros and cons of investing in gold ETFs, with a question mark hovering above, set against the Singapore skyline

When it comes to investing in Gold ETFs, there are several risks and considerations that you should keep in mind. While Gold ETFs offer a convenient way to invest in gold, they are not without their risks. Here are some of the key risks and considerations to keep in mind.

Market Volatility

Like any other investment, Gold ETFs are subject to market volatility. The price of gold can be affected by a wide range of factors, including economic conditions, geopolitical events, and changes in supply and demand. As a result, the value of your Gold ETF investment can fluctuate over time.

Tracking Error and Management Risks

Another risk to consider when investing in Gold ETFs is tracking error. This refers to the difference between the performance of the Gold ETF and the price of gold. While Gold ETFs are designed to track the price of gold, they may not always do so perfectly. This can be due to a variety of factors, including management fees, trading costs, and other expenses.

In addition, Gold ETFs are managed by investment managers. As a result, there is always the risk that the investment manager may underperform, which can negatively impact the performance of the Gold ETF.

To mitigate these risks, it is important to do your research and choose a Gold ETF with a low expense ratio and a reputable investment manager.

Gold ETFs as an Inflation Hedge

A stack of gold bars and a line graph showing inflation rates, with a rising trend, in the background

Are you looking for a way to hedge against inflation in uncertain times? Gold ETFs may be a great option for you. As a safe-haven asset, gold has a solid track record of being a reliable hedge against inflation. In this section, we will explore the role of gold ETFs in hedging against inflation and economic uncertainty.

Hedging Against Inflation

When inflation rises, the purchasing power of your money decreases. Gold, on the other hand, has a long history of retaining its value during periods of inflation. As a result, gold is often considered a hedge against inflation. Gold ETFs offer an easy and cost-effective way to invest in gold and benefit from its inflation-hedging properties.

According to, “A gold ETF holds gold as its underlying asset. When you buy one unit of a gold ETF, you don’t own physical gold but instead a share of the gold held by the fund.” This means that you can invest in gold without having to worry about the logistics of owning and storing physical gold.

Gold’s Role During Economic Uncertainty

Gold is also considered a safe-haven asset during times of economic uncertainty. When the stock market is volatile, investors often flock to safe-haven assets like gold. Gold’s value tends to rise during times of economic uncertainty because it is seen as a safe store of value.

Investing in gold ETFs can provide you with exposure to the price movements of gold without the need to buy, store, and insure physical gold. As explains, “An investor opens an account with a brokerage and, like stock buying, begins trading a gold ETF from the Singapore Exchange.” This makes investing in gold ETFs a convenient and accessible way to hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.

Strategic Investment Approaches

A golden coin surrounded by financial charts and graphs, with a Singaporean skyline in the background

Investing in gold ETFs is a strategic approach that can help diversify your investment portfolio. By allocating a portion of your portfolio to gold ETFs, you can reduce the overall risk of your investment portfolio.

Incorporating Gold ETFs into Your Portfolio

If you are considering incorporating gold ETFs into your investment portfolio, it is important to understand your investment objectives. Gold ETFs can be used as a hedge against inflation, currency devaluation, and geopolitical risks. They can also be used as a diversification tool to balance the risk and return of your portfolio.

When incorporating gold ETFs into your portfolio, you should consider the following factors:

  • Your investment objectives
  • Your risk profile
  • The performance of the gold market
  • The fees and expenses associated with the gold ETFs

You can use a combination of gold ETFs to achieve your investment objectives. For example, you can invest in a physical gold ETF to gain exposure to the price of gold, and a gold mining ETF to gain exposure to the performance of gold mining companies.

Understanding Your Risk Profile

Your risk profile is an important factor to consider when investing in gold ETFs. Your risk profile is determined by your investment objectives, your time horizon, and your risk tolerance.

If you have a low risk tolerance, you may want to consider investing in a gold ETF that tracks the price of gold. This will provide you with exposure to the price of gold, while minimizing the risk of investing in gold mining companies.

If you have a high risk tolerance, you may want to consider investing in a gold mining ETF. This will provide you with exposure to the performance of gold mining companies, which can offer higher returns but also higher risk.

Tip: Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity!

Several Singaporean banks are currently offering fee waivers or bonus incentives for new gold ETF investments. Research these promotions to potentially lower your investment costs and maximize your returns. Act fast – these offers may not last!

Gold ETFs in the Singapore Market

A bustling Singapore market with gold ETFs displayed, investors examining price charts and discussing potential purchases

If you’re interested in investing in gold, you might want to consider gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These are investment funds that are traded on the stock exchange and are designed to track the price of gold.

SGX-Listed Gold ETFs

The Singapore Exchange (SGX) currently offers two SGX-listed gold ETFs: the SPDR Gold Shares ETF and the ValueGold ETF. The SPDR Gold Shares ETF is the largest and most popular gold ETF in the world. It is designed to track the price of gold and is backed by physical gold held in vaults. The ValueGold ETF, on the other hand, is designed to track the price of gold and is backed by gold bullion.

Investment Schemes and Accounts

Investing in gold ETFs in Singapore can be done through various investment schemes and accounts. The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Investment Scheme allows you to invest in approved gold ETFs using your Ordinary Account (OA) or Special Account (SA) funds. The Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) also allows you to invest in approved gold ETFs using your SRS funds.

In addition, some banks in Singapore offer gold savings accounts, which allow you to invest in gold ETFs through your savings account. These accounts typically offer lower fees and higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts.

Practicalities of Gold ETF Investment

A stack of gold ETF certificates on a sleek desk, with a laptop displaying stock market charts in the background. A golden glow illuminates the scene

If you are considering investing in Gold ETFs in Singapore, it is important to understand the practicalities of investing in these funds.

Buying and Selling Gold ETFs

Buying and selling Gold ETFs is a straightforward process. You can purchase Gold ETFs through your brokerage account or through the Central Provident Fund Investment Scheme (CPFIS). You can also purchase Gold ETFs on the Singapore Exchange (SGX).

When selling Gold ETFs, you can sell them back to your broker or on the SGX. It is important to note that there may be fees associated with buying and selling Gold ETFs, so make sure to check with your broker or the SGX for the latest fees.

Insurance and Safe Storage Options

When investing in Gold ETFs, you do not physically own the gold. Instead, you own shares in the fund that holds the gold. However, if you are concerned about the safety of your investment, you can purchase insurance to protect your investment.

Additionally, if you would like to physically own gold, you can purchase gold bullion and store it in a safe deposit box at a bank. However, this option may be more expensive than investing in Gold ETFs, and you may need to pay for additional insurance and storage fees.

Comparing Gold Investment Options

A stack of gold bars surrounded by ETF symbols, with a Singapore skyline in the background

If you’re looking to invest in gold, there are several options available to you. In this section, we will compare gold ETFs with other popular gold investment options.

Gold ETFs Vs Gold Mining Companies

When you invest in gold mining companies, you’re investing in the potential profits of the company. This means that your investment is tied to the performance of the company, which can be affected by a range of factors such as labour disputes, political instability, and operational issues. On the other hand, when you invest in gold ETFs, you’re investing in the price of gold itself. This means that your investment is tied to the performance of the gold market, which can be affected by factors such as supply and demand, inflation, and currency fluctuations.

Gold ETFs Vs Gold Certificates and Coins

Gold certificates and coins are tangible assets that you can physically hold in your hand. While they can be a good option for those who want to own physical gold, they can also be difficult to store and transport. Additionally, they can be subject to theft and fraud. Gold ETFs, on the other hand, are traded on the stock exchange and can be bought and sold like stocks. This makes them a more convenient option for those who want to invest in gold without the hassle of owning physical gold.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top-performing gold ETFs available in Singapore?

If you’re looking to invest in gold ETFs in Singapore, there are several options available to you. The top-performing gold ETFs in Singapore include SPDR Gold Shares ETF, Aberdeen Standard Physical Gold Shares ETF, iShares Gold Trust, SPD Gold Minishares Trust, GraniteShares Gold Trust, and Global X Gold Explorers ETF. Each of these ETFs has its own unique benefits, so it’s important to do your research and choose the one that best fits your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Can you guide me on how to purchase gold ETFs through DBS?

To purchase gold ETFs through DBS, you’ll need to have a DBS Vickers Securities Trading Account. Once you have an account, you can log in to the DBS Vickers Online Trading platform and search for the gold ETF you’re interested in. From there, you can place an order to buy or sell shares of the ETF.

What potential drawbacks should I be aware of when investing in gold ETFs?

While gold ETFs can be a great investment option for many people, there are some potential drawbacks to be aware of. One of the biggest drawbacks is that gold ETFs can be volatile, which means that their value can fluctuate rapidly. Additionally, gold ETFs can be subject to market risks, such as changes in interest rates, geopolitical events, and economic downturns.

Could you tell me if investing in gold is a savvy move in the Singapore market?

Investing in gold can be a savvy move in the Singapore market, especially if you’re looking to diversify your portfolio and hedge against inflation. Gold has historically been a reliable store of value, and its price tends to rise during times of economic uncertainty. However, it’s important to keep in mind that investing in gold is not without risks, and you should always do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

What are the steps to start investing in gold for a beginner in Singapore?

If you’re a beginner looking to start investing in gold in Singapore, there are a few key steps you should take. First, do your research and learn as much as you can about gold ETFs and the gold market in general. Next, open a brokerage account with a reputable firm like DBS Vickers Securities or PhillipCapital. Once you have an account, you can start buying and selling shares of gold ETFs.

Which gold ETFs in Singapore offer the most attractive investment prospects?

The gold ETFs in Singapore that offer the most attractive investment prospects will depend on your individual investment goals and risk tolerance. However, some of the top-performing gold ETFs in Singapore include SPDR Gold Shares ETF, Aberdeen Standard Physical Gold Shares ETF, and iShares Gold Trust. It’s important to do your research and choose the ETF that best fits your investment strategy.

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