Applying For Loans Was
Never Simpler
There has been a huge increase in demand for Personal Loan in Singapore. This is due to day to day expenses going up by a huge number. Sometimes it may be because people are planning for a holiday. For others, it may be because they want to buy the newest electronic gadgets. There are many reasons for this happening. And everyone’s reason may be different.
If it is not possible for you to pay for these expenses in one go, a personal loan is the ideal solution.
To apply for a personal loan with Quick Credit® Pte Ltd – licensed moneylender in Jurong, borrowers will need:
NRIC / Work Pass
If you are a Singaporeans, you will need to bring along your NRIC. If you are a foreigner, you will need to bring your Work Pass and Passport.
Latest 3 months payslip
You will need to bring along your 3 months payslip to identify your loan limits.
CPF Contribution Statements (For Singaporean)
You will need to prove either be employed or have a consistent source of income.
Proof of Address (For Foreigner)
If you are a foreigner, you will need to bring along your tenancy agreement, phone bill or any other documents that prove your current address.
How To Apply Loan
The loan process involves a few key steps: application, evaluation and approval. Applicants provide necessary information, the lender assesses eligibility, and if approved, loan terms are finalized. Once all paperwork is complete, funds are disbursed. Open communication and collaboration are vital for a smooth borrowing experience.
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We take pride in providing fast and reliable financial solutions to our valued customers. Discover why our customers love us. Read testimonials from satisfied clients who have achieved their financial goals with our fast and reliable solutions. Join our happy customers and experience the Quick Credit difference today.
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