Who is Eligible for ComCare in Singapore?

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By Jolene Lau

Are you struggling to make ends meet in Singapore? Are you looking for assistance to help you and your family get by? If so, you may be eligible for ComCare. ComCare is a government scheme designed to provide assistance to those who are struggling financially.

A diverse group of people queuing outside a government office, with a sign that reads "ComCare Eligibility" above the entrance

To be eligible for ComCare, you must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, and have a total household income of $1,900 and below, or a per capita household income of $650 and below. In addition, you must have inadequate family support or savings to rely on for daily needs. If you meet these criteria, you may be eligible for ComCare assistance.

ComCare provides a range of assistance, including monthly cash assistance for living expenses, assistance with household bills such as rental and utilities, medical assistance at public healthcare institutions, employment assistance such as job search and training, and referrals for other relevant services. If you are struggling to make ends meet, ComCare may be able to provide you with the support you need to get by.

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Short on time? Here’s a quick rundown on who might qualify for ComCare assistance in Singapore:

  • Citizenship: You must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident (with at least one immediate family member who is a Citizen).
  • Income: Your household income needs to be S$1,900 or below in total, or S$800 or below per capita (effective July 17, 2024).
  • Financial Difficulty: You should be facing financial hardship due to reasons like unemployment, low income, illness, or caregiving responsibilities.
  • Limited Support: You must have little to no family support or savings to rely on for daily living expenses.

If you meet these basic criteria, you may be eligible for ComCare’s various programs offering financial aid, medical assistance, and employment support. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your nearest Social Service Office for a full assessment and application guidance.

Eligibility Criteria for ComCare

A diverse group of people meeting eligibility criteria for ComCare in Singapore. They are engaged in conversations and paperwork

If you are facing financial difficulties and require assistance, you may be eligible for ComCare. ComCare is a social assistance scheme that aims to provide holistic support to those who are unable to work, have little or no family support, and have limited savings. In this section, we will explore the eligibility criteria for ComCare.

General Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for ComCare, you must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident with a monthly household income of $1,900 or below, or a per capita household income of $650 or below. If you are a Permanent Resident, at least one immediate family member in your household must be a Singapore Citizen.

Assessment of Needs

To determine your eligibility for ComCare, a social service professional from the Social Service Office (SSO) will conduct a holistic assessment of your needs. The assessment will take into account your financial situation, family support, and any medical or social issues that you may be facing.

Types of ComCare Assistance

There are three types of ComCare assistance available:

  • Financial Assistance: This provides short-to-medium-term assistance to help with daily living expenses, such as food, utilities, and rental.
  • Long-Term Assistance: This provides support for those who are unable to work due to illness, disability, or caregiving responsibilities.
  • Interim Assistance: This provides temporary assistance to those who are awaiting the outcome of their ComCare application or other financial assistance schemes.

Short-to-Medium-Term Assistance (SMTA)

A diverse group of people in a community setting, symbolizing different age groups, ethnicities, and backgrounds, with a prominent "ComCare" sign in the background

If you are facing temporary financial difficulties due to unemployment, low income or other reasons, you may be eligible for ComCare Short-to-Medium-Term Assistance (SMTA). This scheme provides temporary financial assistance to lower-income individuals or families who require help with their basic living needs.

Income and Expenditure Criteria

To qualify for SMTA, your monthly household income and per capita household income must fall within the income benchmark set by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). The income benchmark varies depending on your household size and composition. From July 17, 2024, the per capita household income benchmark for SMTA will be S$800, instead of the current S$650.

In addition to income criteria, your expenditure on basic living needs such as food, clothing, and shelter will also be taken into account when assessing your eligibility for SMTA.

Support for Basic Living Needs

If you are eligible for SMTA, you may receive monthly cash assistance to help you with your basic living needs. The cash assistance rates will depend on your household size, composition, and needs. For example, a family with two children may receive a higher cash grant compared to a single person.

In addition to cash assistance, you may also receive support for your utility expenses such as electricity, water, and gas bills. If you have dependents, you may also be eligible for student care fee assistance, child care, kindergarten, and other forms of care for children.

Additional Support Measures

If you require additional support, you may be referred to social service agencies for further assistance. These agencies provide a range of services such as financial counselling, job placement, and skills upgrading to help you improve your financial situation and become self-reliant.

Long-Term Assistance for the Vulnerable

A diverse group of individuals receiving support through ComCare in Singapore, with a focus on long-term assistance for the vulnerable

If you are permanently unable to work due to old age, illness, or disability, and have limited or no means of income, ComCare Long-Term Assistance (LTA) can provide you with long-term support. LTA provides monthly cash assistance to help you cover your daily needs and medical expenses at public healthcare institutions.

Support for the Elderly and Disabled

ComCare LTA is specifically designed to provide support for the elderly and disabled who are unable to work. This assistance is available to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who meet the eligibility criteria. If you are eligible, you can receive monthly cash assistance to help cover your daily needs, as well as assistance with medical expenses at public healthcare institutions.

Community and Family Support

ComCare LTA also provides assistance with community and family support. This means that you can receive free or highly-subsidised access to social services like home help, senior activity centres, and day activity centres. These services can help you stay active and engaged in your community, and provide you with the support you need to live independently.

To apply for ComCare LTA, you can visit any of the Social Service Offices (SSOs) located throughout Singapore. The SSOs are staffed by trained professionals who can help you determine your eligibility and guide you through the application process.

If you are permanently unable to work and have little or no financial means or family support, ComCare LTA can provide you with the long-term assistance you need to live with dignity and independence.

Tip: Good News! Increased Income Eligibility for ComCare

The income threshold to qualify for ComCare financial assistance has recently increased! From July 17, 2024, you may be eligible if your household income per capita is S$800 or below. This means more lower-income families can benefit from ComCare’s support. Check your eligibility and apply today!

Financial Aid for Lower-Income Households

A diverse group of lower-income households in Singapore receives financial aid through the ComCare program

If you are a lower-income household struggling to meet your basic living needs, ComCare may be able to provide you with financial assistance. ComCare offers Short-to-Medium-Term Assistance (SMTA) and Long-Term Assistance to eligible individuals and families.

Assistance for One-Person Households

If you are a one-person household with a monthly income of up to $1,800, you may be eligible for ComCare SMTA. This assistance can provide you with monthly cash assistance and support for household bills. You can contact ComCare at 1800-222-0000 to find out more about the eligibility criteria and application process.

Aid During Economic Challenges

ComCare also provides aid to lower-income individuals and households during economic challenges. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government provided additional support to ComCare beneficiaries to help them cope with the impact of the pandemic.

It is important to note that inflation and projected inflation rates can affect the amount of financial assistance that ComCare can provide. However, the government is committed to supporting lower-income households in Singapore, and ComCare aims to provide assistance that is tailored to the specific needs of each individual or family.

Application Process and Documentation

A diverse group of people submitting documents for ComCare assistance in a government office

If you are eligible for ComCare assistance, you can apply at any Social Service Office (SSO) in Singapore. The application process is straightforward, and you will need to provide some documentation and information.

Applying at Social Service Offices

SSOs are located throughout the island, and you can find the nearest one to you on the MSF website. You can walk in without an appointment, and the staff will assist you with your application. If you need help filling in the application form, the staff can guide you through it.

Required Documents and Information

When you apply for ComCare, you will need to provide some documentation and information. The following table summarises what you will need to bring with you:

Required Documents and Information
Your identity card or birth certificate (of applicant and all household members)
Proof of income (e.g. payslips, CPF statement)
Proof of savings and assets (e.g. bank statements, property ownership documents)
Information on your household expenses (e.g. utility bills, rental agreements)
Any other relevant documents (e.g. medical certificates, court orders)

Note that the required documents and information may vary depending on the type of assistance you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for short-to-medium-term assistance, you will need to provide information on your job search or caregiving responsibilities.

In addition to the above, you will also need to meet the income criteria for ComCare. The income criteria vary depending on the type of assistance you are applying for, and you can find more information on the MSF website.

Funding and Sustainability of ComCare

A diverse group of people gather around a table, discussing funding and sustainability for ComCare in Singapore. Charts and graphs are spread out, as they brainstorm eligibility criteria

ComCare is a social assistance scheme in Singapore that aims to provide temporary financial assistance to lower-income families and individuals who require support to meet their basic living needs. The scheme is funded by the Community Care Endowment Fund (ComCare Fund), which was launched in 2005 as a sustainable source of funds to provide social assistance to low-income Singaporeans.

Sources of ComCare Funds

The ComCare Fund started with an initial capital of $250 million from the government and has since grown to over $1 billion. The interest income generated from the ComCare Fund is used to fund ComCare programmes. According to the ComCare Annual Report FY2021, the ComCare Fund is expected to generate about $70 million in interest income for FY2022.

In addition to the ComCare Fund, ComCare is also supported by the government’s annual budget. The government provides funding for ComCare programmes such as the ComCare Assistance Scheme (CAS), which provides cash assistance to needy families and individuals.

Monitoring and Adjusting Assistance

To ensure the sustainability of ComCare, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) regularly reviews and adjusts the cash assistance rates and eligibility criteria. The aim is to ensure that the assistance provided is sufficient to meet the basic needs of the recipients, while encouraging them to be self-reliant.

The ComCare Annual Report provides detailed information on the number of households and individuals assisted by ComCare, the types of assistance provided, and the amount of funding disbursed. This information is used by the MSF to monitor the effectiveness of ComCare and make adjustments as necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the qualifications for receiving ComCare support?

To be eligible for ComCare support, you must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident with a total household income of $1,900 and below, or a per capita household income of $650 and below. Additionally, you must be facing financial difficulties due to unforeseen circumstances such as job loss, illness, or family breakdown.

How can one apply for ComCare financial aid?

You can apply for ComCare financial aid through your nearest Social Service Office (SSO). You will need to provide your identity card or birth certificate (of applicant and all household members), as well as other relevant documents such as proof of income and expenses. You can also apply online via the SupportGoWhere website.

What’s the maximum payout one can receive from ComCare monthly?

The maximum payout one can receive from ComCare monthly varies depending on the type of assistance you are receiving. For example, the maximum payout for ComCare Short-to-Medium Term Assistance (SMTA) is $500 per month, while the maximum payout for ComCare Long-Term Assistance (LTA) is $1,250 per month.

When are the ComCare disbursements typically scheduled?

ComCare disbursements are typically scheduled on a monthly basis, and the exact date of disbursement may vary depending on the type of assistance you are receiving. You can contact your nearest Social Service Office (SSO) for more information on the disbursement schedule.

How does one obtain the ComCare application form?

You can obtain the ComCare application form from your nearest Social Service Office (SSO), or you can download it from the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) website.

Could you tell me about the income threshold for ComCare eligibility?

The income threshold for ComCare eligibility is a total household income of $1,900 and below, or a per capita household income of $650 and below. This threshold is subject to change, so it is best to check with your nearest Social Service Office (SSO) for the latest information.

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