Home Improvement Program (HIP): Singapore Explained

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By Jolene Lau

Are you a homeowner in Singapore looking to improve the condition of your HDB flat? If so, you may be interested in learning about the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) offered by the Housing & Development Board (HDB). This exciting programme was introduced in 2007 and has since helped over 320,000 HDB homes built up to 1986.

A group of workers are renovating a HDB flat, replacing old pipes and repainting walls. The building is surrounded by scaffolding and construction equipment

The HIP is a highly-subsidised programme designed to resolve common maintenance problems and keep flats in good condition. The programme covers a wide range of upgrades, including improvements to bathrooms, kitchens, and electrical wiring. It also includes essential repairs to the roof, pipes, and other structural elements of your HDB flat.

As a homeowner, you may be eligible for the HIP if your HDB flat was built up to 1997. To qualify for the programme, 75% of your block’s eligible Singapore Citizen households must vote in favour of the HIP, along with Singapore Permanent Resident households. If your block is shortlisted for the HIP, you will have the opportunity to vote on which upgrades you would like to receive.

1 Min Read

Live in an HDB flat and want to upgrade your space? The Home Improvement Programme (HIP) by Singapore’s Housing & Development Board (HDB) might be for you! This program helps residents in older flats (built up to 1997) address common maintenance issues and make improvements.

Here’s the gist:

  • Fixes and Upgrades: HIP covers essential repairs like leaky pipes and electrical wiring, alongside improvements to bathrooms, kitchens, and common areas.
  • Government Subsidies: The program is heavily subsidized, making upgrades affordable for most residents.
  • Resident Vote Needed: For your block to qualify, 75% of eligible Singapore Citizen households must vote in favor.

Want to know more? Check the HDB website or this guide for full details. Upgrade your home and enjoy safer, more comfortable living!

Understanding HIP and Its Objectives

A house being renovated with new windows and doors, while workers repair and upgrade the building's infrastructure

What Is HIP?

If you are a Singapore citizen living in an HDB flat, you may have heard of the Home Improvement Programme (HIP). This programme was introduced in 2007 to address common maintenance problems in ageing flats, such as spalling concrete and ceiling leakage. The HIP helps you resolve these issues in a systematic and comprehensive way to minimise inconvenience to you.

Goals of the Home Improvement Programme

The primary goal of HIP is to improve the safety and public health of HDB flats. The programme aims to resolve common maintenance problems in ageing flats, such as spalling concrete and ceiling leakage, to ensure that the flats remain in good condition. The programme also includes upgrading works to enhance the living environment and improve the quality of life for residents.

The Importance of Upgrading Works

Upgrading works are an essential part of the HIP. They are carried out to enhance the living environment and improve the quality of life for residents. Some of the upgrading works include the installation of new lifts, the replacement of water pipes, and the installation of new refuse chutes. These upgrading works are necessary to ensure that the flats are safe and comfortable to live in.

HIP Eligibility and Components

A sunny day in a Singapore neighborhood, with HDB flats in the background and workers installing new components as part of the Home Improvement Programme

If you are a resident of an HDB flat in Singapore, you may be eligible for the Home Improvement Programme (HIP). The HIP is designed to address common maintenance problems in ageing flats, such as spalling concrete and ceiling leakage. The programme is available for flats built up to 1997, and you can find out if your flat is eligible by checking the HDB website.

Eligibility Criteria for HIP

To qualify for the HIP, 75% of the eligible Singapore Citizen households in a block must vote in favour of the programme. If the block has a mix of Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident households, the percentage required for approval will be higher. It is important to note that if your block is selected for the HIP, you will be required to pay for the programme, but the cost will be heavily subsidised by the government.

Essential vs Optional Improvements

Under the HIP, various improvements are carried out within the flat to enhance your safety and comfort. The HIP for HDB flats comprises three main components: Essential improvements, Optional improvements, and Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) improvements.

Essential improvements are those that are necessary to ensure the safety and habitability of your flat. These may include works such as replacing damaged pipes, repairing spalling concrete, and replacing electrical wiring.

Optional improvements are those that are not strictly necessary but can improve the quality of life in your flat. These may include works such as installing new bathroom fittings, upgrading your front door, and replacing your window grilles.

EASE Programme Details

The Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) programme is designed to make your flat more elderly-friendly. If you are 65 years old or above and have difficulty with mobility, you may be eligible for EASE improvements. These may include works such as installing grab bars in your bathroom, lowering your kitchen sink, and widening your main door.

Financial Aspects of HIP

A homeowner reviews financial documents for the HIP programme, including cost estimates and payment schedules

If you are considering applying for the HDB Home Improvement Programme (HIP), it is important to understand the costs involved. In this section, we will discuss the different financial aspects of HIP and help you make an informed decision.

Understanding the Costs Involved

Under the HIP, the costs of the upgrading works are shared between the government and the flat owners. The estimated amount payable for the HIP will depend on the type of works needed for your flat. You can refer to the HIP website for the estimated cost of each upgrading item.

The cost of the HIP works can be paid for using your CPF monies, cash, or a combination of both. If you opt to pay using your CPF monies, it will be deducted from your CPF Ordinary Account (OA). Alternatively, you can choose to pay in cash or monthly instalments.

Subsidies and Payment Options

To help offset the cost of the HIP, the government provides subsidies for eligible flat owners. The amount of subsidy you receive will depend on the type of flat you own and your household income.

For example, if you own a 4-room flat and your household income is less than $12,000, you may be eligible for a subsidy of up to 95% of the upgrading costs. If your household income is between $12,001 and $18,000, you may be eligible for a subsidy of up to 85% of the upgrading costs.

In addition to subsidies, there are also different payment options available. You can choose to pay for the HIP works using your CPF monies, cash, or a combination of both. If you opt to pay using your CPF monies, it will be deducted from your CPF Ordinary Account (OA). Alternatively, you can choose to pay in cash or monthly instalments.

It is important to note that GST is not payable for the HIP works. However, if you choose to engage your own contractor for additional works, GST may be applicable.

Tip: Did you know you can customize your HIP experience?

While essential improvements are mandatory for everyone’s safety, HIP offers optional upgrades like new bathroom fittings and a modern front door! You can choose the improvements that best suit your needs and budget, creating a dream home you’ll love for years to come.

Preparation and Implementation

A group of HDB flats undergoing renovation under the Home Improvement Programme in Singapore. Scaffolding surrounds the buildings as workers make improvements

If you have been shortlisted for HIP, you will need to prepare your flat for the renovation works. This section will guide you through the preparation and implementation process.

The Polling Process

Before the renovation works can begin, a poll will be conducted to determine if there is sufficient support from the flat owners. During the polling period, you will need to cast your vote to indicate whether you agree to the proposed renovation works. If the majority of the flat owners support the proposal, the renovation works will proceed.

Preparing Your Flat for HIP

To prepare your flat for HIP, you will need to clear out all furniture and belongings from the areas that will be renovated. You should also remove any items that may be damaged during the renovation works. If you have any drawers or cabinets in the bedroom that are attached to the wall, you should remove them and store them in a safe place.

During the renovation works, there will be debris and dust generated. To protect your furniture and belongings, you should cover them with plastic coverings or store them in sealed containers. You should also cover any open drawers or cabinets with plastic coverings to prevent dust from entering.

Duration and Phases of Renovation Works

The duration of the renovation works will depend on the extent of the works required for your flat. Typically, the renovation works for each flat will take 10 working days or less, depending on the improvement chosen. The expected duration for HIP to be completed for a typical precinct is about 1.5 to 2 years.

The renovation works will be carried out in phases. The first phase will involve the external renovation works, which includes the water test and repair of spalling concrete and structural cracks. The second phase will involve the internal renovation works, which includes the replacement of waste/ soil pipes and pipe sockets with new clothes drying rack. During the renovation works, you will need to leave your flat to allow the workers to carry out the works safely.

Once the renovation works are completed, you will need to clean up your flat and dispose of any debris generated during the renovation works. You should also check that all the works have been completed satisfactorily before signing off on the completion of the renovation works.

Post-Improvement Considerations

A group of HDB flats undergo renovation under the Home Improvement Programme, with workers installing new fixtures and making structural upgrades

Congratulations on successfully completing the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) for your HDB flat! Now that you have a more livable space, it’s important to take care of it to ensure it stays in good condition for years to come. Here are some post-improvement considerations to keep in mind:

Maintenance and Care Post-HIP

After the HIP, it’s important to maintain your flat to prevent any maintenance issues from arising. Make sure to clean your flat regularly and keep an eye out for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice any issues, such as leaks or cracks, address them as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

It’s also a good idea to schedule regular maintenance checks to ensure everything is in good working order. This can include checking your plumbing, electrical wiring, and air conditioning system. By staying on top of maintenance, you can avoid costly repairs down the line.

Opting Out and Undertaking Optional Improvements

During the HIP, you may have been given the option to undertake additional improvements beyond the essential upgrades. If you opted out of these upgrades, you may want to consider undertaking them in the future. Optional improvements can enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your flat, making it a more enjoyable place to live.

If you’re interested in undertaking optional improvements, you can contact HDB to find out what options are available. Keep in mind that these improvements may come at an additional cost, so be sure to budget accordingly.

Additional Resources and Support

A cozy HDB flat undergoing renovations with workers installing new fixtures and appliances, while a guidebook on the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) lies on the table

If you have any further questions or need more information about the Home Improvement Programme (HIP), there are various resources and support available to you.

HDB Website and Information Centres

The HDB website is a great resource for information about the HIP. You can find detailed information about the programme, including eligibility criteria, the types of works covered, and the application process. You can also find information about other upgrading programmes and initiatives offered by HDB.

If you prefer to speak to someone in person, you can visit one of the HDB Information Centres located across Singapore. The staff at these centres can provide you with information about the HIP and other HDB programmes, as well as answer any questions you may have. You can find the location and opening hours of your nearest HDB Information Centre on the HDB website.

Contacting Your Managing HDB Branch

If you have specific questions about the HIP that are not answered on the HDB website or at an Information Centre, you can contact your managing HDB branch. You can find the contact details of your managing HDB branch on the HDB website.

When you contact your managing HDB branch, you will be assigned a Public Relations Officer (PRO) who will be your main point of contact. Your PRO will be able to provide you with personalised advice about the HIP, including which works are most suitable for your flat and how to apply for the programme.

Frequently Asked Questions

What delightful improvements can I expect from the HDB Home Improvement Programme?

The HDB Home Improvement Programme (HIP) offers a range of delightful improvements to improve the safety and comfort of your flat. Some of the improvements include the repair of spalling concrete and structural cracks, replacement of waste/soil pipes, and replacement of pipe sockets with new clothes drying rack. Essential improvements are compulsory upgrading efforts carried out for public health and safety, and are fully-subsidised for Singapore Citizen home owners.

How can I check if my lovely flat qualifies for the HIP scheme?

To check if your flat qualifies for the HIP scheme, you can visit the HDB website. The HIP is rolled out gradually, and HDB would shortlist the eligible flat precincts for polling. To qualify for HIP, 75% of a block’s eligible Singapore Citizen households must vote in favour of the upgrading works.

Who is eligible to benefit from the splendid HDB Home Improvement Programme?

All Singapore Citizen flat owners are eligible for the HIP. The programme was introduced in 2007 to address common maintenance problems in ageing flats, such as spalling concrete and ceiling leakage. In August 2018, the HIP was extended to include flats built between 1987 and 1997.

Is there a need to fork out cash for the HIP, or are there other payment options available?

The HIP is heavily subsidised by the government and there is no need to fork out cash for the upgrading works. However, if you opt for additional optional improvements, you may need to pay for them.

Can you tell me the anticipated schedule for the HIP in the upcoming year?

The HIP schedule is not publicly available and is subject to change. However, you can check the HDB website for the latest updates on the HIP.

During the HIP renovations, where might one stay to ensure comfort and convenience?

During the HIP renovations, you can choose to stay with relatives or friends, or rent a temporary accommodation. HDB also provides temporary rental flats for eligible residents who require temporary accommodation during the upgrading works. You can check with HDB for more information on the eligibility criteria and rental rates.

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